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The Art of Denying Employer: Career Diplomacy

“We choose, we are chosen” - the job search process can be very accurately characterized by a line from a famous song. It is not surprising that applicants have to not only listen to employers' refusals, but also say no. How to do it competently?

For diplomatic skills to help you in your career, read recommendations.

How not to go for interviews
“I sent a resume for a job, they called me and invited me for an interview. After we agreed on a meeting, I realized that I did not want to go. Firstly, a good place is planned in another company, and secondly, it is difficult to get to this office. Should I call and refuse? Maybe you just can’t come for an interview? ”- such questions are regularly discussed at forums of recruiting portals, including.

Applicants give each other advice, as they say, to the best of their upbringing. "Why to call? Recruiters constantly promise to call us back and don’t call back ”; “Be sure to let us know that you will not come so as not to make a person wait in vain for you” - the opinions, as we see, are polar.

Nevertheless, experts recommend finding time to make a call or write an e-mail, even if you do not want it, it is unpleasant or just laziness. If recruiters do not keep their promises, then we won’t - such logic is unacceptable for a polite and responsible person. No matter what they say, diplomacy is an indispensable weapon of a specialist who is tuned for career achievements and highlights resume.

It is also necessary to cultivate a culture of rejection because the professional world is often closer than it seems to us. It is possible that you still have to intersect with this company or even with a specific recruiter. Be sure: your diplomatic efforts will not be in vain. Many HR managers maintain their database of job seekers, and if “not appeared” appears next to your last name, then most likely the path to this company will be closed to you.

According to the Research Center for Recruitment Portal, 22% of recruitment managers are sure that the reasons for absenteeism are usually “in the absence of a culture of behavior and business ethics,” 19% are irresponsible. Obviously, no one wants to get into the number of uncultured and irresponsible. Therefore, you still have to call and cancel the agreement. If you do not get through, write an email.

It is better to do this in advance, for example, on the eve of the appointed day of the interview. It didn’t work - call at least an hour or two: the recruiter will have time to reschedule his work time.

How to explain your refusal to appear for an interview? Since the negotiations have just begun, no special explanation is needed - a fairly polite message in a friendly tone. “Thank you for being interested in my candidacy, but the circumstances are such that now I’m not ready to negotiate work in your company. I wish you to choose a suitable manager. Have a good day, ”such a message will leave no doubt in your upbringing and knowledge of the rules of business ethics. Most likely, no further explanation will be required - recruiters are faced with such cases very often.

“I have to refuse your offer ...”
It is a different matter if you have already passed the selection, attended interviews, completed test tasks and received a job offer. And perhaps they managed to agree, and on Monday they are waiting for you at the new workplace. And suddenly you changed your mind: a more interesting option was found, the child fell ill, doubted the prospects - the reasons could be different. How to be

Here one cannot do without explaining the reasons for his refusal, at least in general terms. Both the recruiter and the future boss, and you yourself spent a lot of time and effort on the interviews. If at the final stage of negotiations one of the participants suddenly refuses to continue them, the rest have the right to know about the reasons. Such explanations are not justifications at all, but reasonable adherence to ethical standards.

Politely and benevolently explain why you do not want to start working in this company. “I had another offer, and at the moment it is more interesting to me”; “I soberly assessed my capabilities and was forced to refuse your offer: I’m not comfortable spending two hours on the way to the office”; “At this place, I was offered to lead a new project, so I stop looking for work,” - in most cases nothing needs to be invented. Both the HR manager and the manager are likely to understand your motives without any embellishment.

However, if the reason for your refusal lies in the personality of the future leader or in the poor, in your opinion, organization of business processes in the company, do not rush to publicly declare this. The art of diplomacy is to smooth out the negative aspects. Therefore, instead of laying out everything you think (“Look for others who want to work from dawn to dawn and endure an unbalanced boss for such a salary”), it’s better to say: “Now I’m not ready to accept your offer, because the working conditions do not suit me” .

At this stage, it is better to report the denial by telephone. Email is also acceptable, but personal contact is preferable. Do not forget to thank the failed employer for your time, wish all the best, and if your refusal puts someone in an awkward position (for example, if you have already agreed and should have come to work), then also apologize for the inconvenience.

“Do with others as you want to be treated with you” - this saying has not lost its relevance for centuries. If we want recruiters to honestly inform us of the refusal, and not leave them alone with guesses, then it makes sense to follow all the agreements ourselves and to inform the decision in time.

Good luck looking for work!


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