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5 common mistakes in the interview

Invited for an interview, but not hired? Most likely, your resume is all right, but something went wrong during the interview. We know what mistakes recruiters do not forgive - read and look for yours!

Could not show motivation
The main mistake - you could not convince the recruiter of your motivation. For this reason, even job seekers with an excellent track record and impressive work experience are denied. What if you have all the necessary skills if the recruiter did not understand that you are ready to give all your best? Why should a company take a person even with 15 years of experience and connections if, apparently, he does not intend to stay in the company for a long time?

Going for an interview, think in advance how you will answer the question “Why do you want to work with us and our service” You must show that you are interested in the company's affairs, that you want to contribute to its success and are aimed at a long and fruitful cooperation. Ask the right questions, study the history of the company and its latest projects in advance. If the vacancy is accompanied by a video, be sure to carefully watch it.

Failed to confirm CV skills
It happens that the resume seems interesting to the company, but the employer is in no hurry to make a job offer based on the results of the interview. Was your resume too embellished? Did you confirm the declared skills during the conversation? If in the resume you stated that you are fluent in English and did not understand the questions of the expat director during the interview, you are unlikely to be invited to work. So do not exaggerate - only real skills and experience!

Disloyalty prevented former employer
Recruiters highly value the loyalty of a company candidate. Of course, it is difficult to evaluate your love for the future employer, therefore, recruitment managers carefully listen to your words about your past job. “The former boss was a layman, he did not understand the intricacies, and all the work was on me”; “Leadership leads the company to collapse,” refrain from such statements. Thus, you discredit not so much the former boss as yourself. “What will he say about us when he leaves this office?” The recruiter will think and ... will not call you back.

Read about what you can and cannot say about your former work here.

Etiquette rules were not followed
You were late for 5 minutes or 25 minutes - in any case, you made the interlocutor wait, showing disrespect and showing that you did not know how to value time. Study Yandex-cards, build routes, go to a meeting in advance - in a word, make it a rule not to be late for an interview under any circumstances, and if you are still late, warn by phone.

Disappointed appearance
We already wrote about what clothes and makeup are appropriate at the interview. Not that recruiters are unanimously opposed to freedom of expression in general - not at all. The main thing is to remember whether your appearance corresponds to the place where you want to get to work. What is allowed to the bartender or designer is not suitable for the bank manager. Dress appropriately!

Good luck at the interview!


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