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What to do if you are denied an interview

The categorical “You do not suit us!” Or the evasive “Your resume has remained in our database, perhaps later we will need your work” - the wording of the refusal may be different. You can hear it personally at the interview or receive an email - in any case, do not despair.

Failures of employers are an inevitable attribute of job search: few people succeed in finding a job immediately after entering the open labor market. “We choose, we are chosen ...” - these words from a well-known song are also suitable for describing a job search. So take the refusal of the interview calmly, as a precious bit of life experience. This is not a reason to give up, on the contrary, every interview (even a failure) can bring you closer to the goal - getting an excellent job. The main thing is to draw the right conclusions.

Find out the reasons
Having heard the refusal from the mouth of the recruiter (or potential leader), behave with restraint, even if a storm is raging inside you. Despite the chagrin, disappointment, frustration, and other emotions that are natural in this situation, accept the denial with dignity and politely ask the interlocutor what was the reason. Remember: your question should not sound like a demand, but rather a request for advice. So it is better to choose the most correct wording and soft tonality. “Can I find out what exactly embarrassed you in my work experience?” - such a phrase is quite suitable for continuing the conversation.

After receiving the answer, thank the HR manager for your attentive attitude and sincerely wish him success in finding employees. Try to see in your recruiter not an enemy, but a friend, because your interests intersect.

Of course, it is not a fact that the hiring manager will answer the question about the reasons for the refusal absolutely honestly. After all, he is a representative of the company, which means he must explain everything in such a way as to avoid a lawsuit. You will hardly hear that the employer is not happy with your age, gender, nationality or religion, because the law prohibits discrimination in employment on these grounds. Meanwhile, these are very significant characteristics - the recruiter must take them into account, because the new employee will have to join the team.

We analyze our behavior
Returning home, carefully and calmly analyze the entire course of the interview. Remember all the questions and answers, both the recruiter and your own. What could alert the company representative in your candidacy?

Experts say that there can be many reasons for failure. Among the most common are the candidate’s lack (or, on the contrary, excess) of professional experience, inadequate salary expectations, a high probability that the applicant does not fit into the team, lack of internal motivation, poor preparation for an interview (for example, if the candidate failed answer what he knows about the company), cheating in a resume and much more.

Try adequately, without undue self-criticism, but without overestimating yourself, determine your relevance to this vacancy. Do you have enough experience? Did you manage to show how interesting this particular work is to you?

Do not forget to objectively analyze how you looked at the interview and how you behaved. This is especially important if you were refused right away, in the first interview. “Wrong” appearance, excessive isolation or, conversely, familiarity - all this affects the impression of the candidate. As we already wrote, adherence to business style in clothes and etiquette are indispensable conditions for a successful interview in the company that interests you.

Think about it: what can be changed (in resumes, in self-presentation, in appearance, in behavior) so that next time you can attract a recruiter and a potential leader to your side? Sometimes quite insignificant changes are enough to hear at the next interview: “When could you get to work?”

However, not always the reason for the refusal lies in your shortcomings, improper behavior or unformatted appearance. It happens that the circumstances in the company are such that they prefer a highly qualified candidate to a very mediocre one - for example, if the recruiter decides that his soft character will allow him to get along with a too tough leader. Is it worth regretting such a job? Without a doubt, it is better to get a refusal in time than to get a job in a company that does not suit you.

We are committed to success
So, tune in a positive way. It is possible that when you find a suitable job (and this will happen), you will be glad that you were once denied the company N. “Everything that is done is for the best” is not just folk wisdom, but one from the laws of employment.

If necessary, make changes to the resume, put the right accents in it, highlight your strengths and emphasize the seriousness of your experience.

You should not send a resume to all vacancies in a row - it’s better to do it targetedly, only to positions that really suit you, each time editing your CV in accordance with the requirements and attaching a cover letter.

When preparing for an interview, get ready for it: look on the Internet for information about the company, think over answers to complex questions, including personal ones. Be prepared to talk about your strengths and weaknesses, explain breaks in work, report on special achievements.

If possible, devote your free time to attending interviews and finding vacancies to further training. And do not hesitate: everything will work out, you just need to tune in to success and prepare for a meeting with the employer. Good luck looking for work!


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