“We choose, we are chosen” - the job search process can be very accurately characterized by a line from a famous song. It is not surprising that applicants have to not only listen to employers' refusals, but also say no. How to do it competently? For diplomatic skills to help you in your career, read Superjob.ru recommendations. How not to go for interviews “I sent a resume for a job, they called me and invited me for an interview. After we agreed on a meeting, I realized that I did not want to go. Firstly, a good place is planned in another company, and secondly, it is difficult to get to this office. Should I call and refuse? Maybe you just can’t come for an interview? ”- such questions are regularly discussed at forums of recruiting portals, including. Applicants give each other advice, as they say, to the best of their upbringing. "Why to call? Recruiters constantly promise to call us back and don’t call back ”; “Be sure to let us know that you will not come so as ...
Invited for an interview, but not hired? Most likely, your resume is all right, but something went wrong during the interview. We know what mistakes recruiters do not forgive - read and look for yours! Could not show motivation The main mistake - you could not convince the recruiter of your motivation. For this reason, even job seekers with an excellent track record and impressive work experience are denied. What if you have all the necessary skills if the recruiter did not understand that you are ready to give all your best? Why should a company take a person even with 15 years of experience and connections if, apparently, he does not intend to stay in the company for a long time? Going for an interview, think in advance how you will answer the question “Why do you want to work with us and our service http://campsayre.org/services/ ?” You must show that you are interested in the company's affairs, that you want to contribute to its success and are aimed at a long and fruitfu...